My Gift To You.

After seeing this tutorial I am ready to set up an etsy. For Christmas I would like to offer any reader a pair of their liking for free, available in gold, copper or coal! Perfect for a last minute gift for a distant friend even. Email your or a friend's address as well as any questions to with the color you prefer.

Images through Pinterest: one, two Etsy loves: one, two

Holiday Preparation.

A few of my favorite glass bulbs and knit adornments for the tree and packaging inspired by this and this.

Presley is nearly a year old by now and slowly black clothing is becoming more available to him. Little Marc Jacobs mittens made this outfit perfect- string mittens, I feel so nostalgic for something I vaguely remember loathing as a child myself.

See you Monday.

We have the next three days to ourselves- I will be taking a break from the internet as well.

But first...
A few pieces I adored recently while finishing off my Christmas shopping.

Also, so inspired by this, this and especially this!

Room for growing.

Compiling inspirations for a new room for Presley as he grows. I've also been thinking a lot about this telephone booth door from Ohdeedoh... 

Weirdos Stylers Punks Outsiders.

Matt Furie's Boy's Club 3, often featured in The Believer. Norton Records, "where the loud sound abounds." Black Flag. Risky style and In God We Trust NYC etching...

one, two, three, four, five, six!

Gifts for a different kind of fellow- sometimes I just ooze over how undeniably cool Joshua is. More gift guides here, here and here!

Joshua's song for me. We are currently attempting Lindy Hop after a failed try a few years back with paid classes. Joshua is an amazing dancer, of course, so the classes are for me. The girl that can't dance.


 Possible Christmas cards- Joshua's pick and mine.


I dream of wearing dresses with cuts and fabrics like these every day.

This is quickly becoming my song for Presley.